We are looking for two postdoctoral researchers to work with us on a new Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship (VBFF) project “One-Dimensional Quantum Materials”. The project is interdisciplinary, with $3M single-PI DOD funding for 2021/26, and many opportunities to collaborate with the government labs. The VBFF project’s topics are at the intersections of engineering, physics, material science, and chemistry, dealing with quasi-1D van der Waals materials and their composites. A qualified candidate should have an expertise in one (or several) areas: (1) cleanroom nanofabrication; (2) electron transport measurements; (3) advanced microscopy techniques; (4) nanoscale phonon transport; (5) polymers and composites. The start date is flexible, beginning from the summer 2021. To apply send an email to the PI Professor A.A. Balandin and copy to the lab manager Dr. F. Kargar.