At Balandin Group – UCLA, we take safety seriously. All group members must pass safety training before being allowed to work in the laboratories. The group has two safety coordinators, Dylan Wright and Jonas Brown who oversee compliance of the laboratory facilities’ safety rules by other group members. If you have any safety-related questions or concerns, as a new or continuous group member, contact Dylan, or Jonas, and notify the Laboratory Manager Dr. Subhajit Ghosh. Jonas’ workplace is in the main POEM Lab, Engineering V building, while Dylan’s workplace is in the BMS Lab in the CNSI building. If the issue is unresolved, contact Professor Alexander Balandin by email, text, or phone.

Jonas O. Brown
Safety Officer

Dylan Wright
Safety Officer
UC Los Angeles Safety Resources
All group members are required to pass safety training and study safety related documents available at UCLA Learning Center website.
The required Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Emergency Action Plan (EAP), Fire Prevention Plan (FPP), and Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) can be accessed via the NDL-POEM Safety Resource.