New NSF-funded advanced spectroscope enters operation at UCLA
Investigators at UCLA and beyond can gain access to a new, advanced spectroscopy device supported by the National Science Foundation. The Brillouin – Mandelstam Light Scattering Spectroscopy (BMS) Facility, housed at the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA, makes...

UCLA MRS Chapter Interview with Professor A.A. Balandin
Science fiction and materials science - from quantum wires to one-dimensional quantum materials and charge-density waves. Read the full interview HERE.

The UCLA POEM Laboratory Welcomes New Students
The dedicated work of all research group members allowed us to establish our laboratories in the UCLA Department of Materials Science and Engineering in a short time and start recruiting graduate and undergraduate students. The Ph.D. students Jonas Brown and Jordan...

Professor Balandin’s Materials Science Research Lecture at Caltech Noise Spectroscopy – What Can Electronic Noise Tell Us about the Materials?
In 2025, we will mark the 100th anniversary of J.B. Johnson's accidental discovery of 1/f noise in experiments designed to test Schottky's theory of shot noise in vacuum tubes (f is frequency). Since this first observation, the fluctuation processes, with the spectra...

July 2023 – Professor Balandin Delivered a Plenary Conference Opening Talk at Phonons Conference
July 2023 – Professor Balandin delivered a plenary conference opening talk at the number one phonons conference in the world - Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter - PHONONS XVII in Paris, France (2023). The talk was entitled Thermal Conductivity of...