MAT SCI 226 Si-CMOS Technology: Selected Topics in Materials Science

Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, eight hours. Recommended preparation: Electrical Engineering 221B. Requisites: courses 130, 131, 200, 221, 222. Selected topics in materials science from modern Si-CMOS technology, including technological challenges in high k/metal gate stacks, strained Si FETs, SOI, and three-dimensional FETs, source/drain

This course is offered every Spring quarter. The link to the course description is HERE.

MAT SCI 194 Research Group Seminars: Materials Science and Engineering

Seminar, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Designed for undergraduate students who are part of the research group. Discussion of research methods and current literature in the field or of research of faculty members or students. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 199 Directed Research in Materials Science and Engineering

Tutorial, to be arranged. Limited to juniors/seniors. Supervised individual research or investigation under guidance of faculty mentor. Culminating paper or project required. Occasional field trips may be arranged. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Individual contract required; enrollment petitions available in Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Letter grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 296 Seminar: Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering

Seminar, two hours; outside study, four hours. Advanced study and analysis of current topics in materials science and engineering. Discussion of current research and literature in research specialty of faculty members teaching course. May be repeated for credit. S/U grading.

This course is offered each quarter. It is designed for the research group members.


MAT SCI 597A Preparation for MS Comprehensive Examination

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. Reading and preparation for MS comprehensive examination. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 597B Preparation for PhD Preliminary Examinations

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 598 Research for and Preparation of MS Thesis

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. Supervised independent research for MS candidates, including thesis prospectus. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.

MAT SCI 226 Si-CMOS Technology: Selected Topics in Materials Science

Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, eight hours. Recommended preparation: Electrical Engineering 221B. Requisites: courses 130, 131, 200, 221, 222. Selected topics in materials science from modern Si-CMOS technology, including technological challenges in high k/metal gate stacks, strained Si FETs, SOI and three-dimensional FETs, source/drain

This course is offered every Spring quarter. Link to the course description is HERE.


MAT SCI 194 Research Group Seminars: Materials Science and Engineering

Seminar, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Designed for undergraduate students who are part of research group. Discussion of research methods and current literature in field or of research of faculty members or students. May be repeated for credit. Letter grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 199 Directed Research in Materials Science and Engineering

Tutorial, to be arranged. Limited to juniors/seniors. Supervised individual research or investigation under guidance of faculty mentor. Culminating paper or project required. Occasional field trips may be arranged. May be repeated for credit with school approval. Individual contract required; enrollment petitions available in Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Letter grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 296 Seminar: Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering

Seminar, two hours; outside study, four hours. Advanced study and analysis of current topics in materials science and engineering. Discussion of current research and literature in research specialty of faculty members teaching course. May be repeated for credit. S/U grading.

This course is offered each quarter. It is designed for the research group members.


MAT SCI 597A Preparation for MS Comprehensive Examination

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. Reading and preparation for MS comprehensive examination. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 597B Preparation for PhD Preliminary Examinations

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.


MAT SCI 598 Research for and Preparation of MS Thesis

Limited to graduate materials science and engineering students. Supervised independent research for MS candidates, including thesis prospectus. S/U grading.

This course is offered as needed, each quarter.